"Thirty in 30" is an effort by The Reality of Aid Network to look back at its 30-year history of working on issues related with aid and development cooperation. From the abundance of past publications and engagements throughout year, The Reality of Aid Network has shown excellence and dedication towards amplifying Southern voices thirty years ago until today.
Georgina Muñoz-Pavon is the chairperson of The Reality of Aid Network. Her organization, the Red Nicaraguense de Comercio Comunitario (RENICC) has been a long-time partner of the network from 2005 until present.
Jennifer del Rosario-Malonzo is the executive director of IBON International. The organization has been an active member of the network since 2000.
Leo Atakpu is the chairperson of Reality of Aid Africa. He currently works with the Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ). He has ben active in the network since 2004.